Home Work Policy:
No Homework for Grade 1 and Grade 2
Our school follows books from OUP (Oxford University Press).Name of the Books:
The academic curriculum at SVVK is an amalgamation of our cultural heritage and modern scientific thinking it is a comprehensive education system designed to succeed in the coming millennium as it incorporates a futuristic approach that will help students to excel in both, their professional and personal lives.
The School Curriculum:
The academic year at SVVK is divided in to two terms with periodic assessments with examinations held at the end of each term.The curriculum has been streamlined to make it child centric more stress has been laid on quality over quantity. The home work load has been cut down and care has been taken to make it activity based.
Academic Year:
We at SVVK believe in the holistic development of every child .An enriching and happy environment in school helps in a smooth transition from home to school and ensures development of all the skills .
The Guiding Principles:
At the end of the session the teachers may assess if these discussed out comes have been achieved.
Awards:Meritorious students are awarded with scholar badges and certificates.
Parent Role:Parents play an important role in the development of their child’s personality parents and teachers therefore must function together as partners to help the children learn & grow
Assessment:Assessment is based on informal techniques like
observations, analysis of children’s work etc it is continuous
and covers all aspects of development and early learning
We assess the following areas of development: